
Cumaceans and [Chaetozone setosa] in infralittoral gravelly sand

Description of Cumaceans and [Chaetozone setosa] in infralittoral gravelly sand


flag A5.136
creatorIdentity remo
creationTime 2017-08-16T16:38:13.723
Last Maintainer Identity remo
modificationTime 2016-03-16T18:42:49
id 3255
imageSize 0 Bytes

In shallow medium-fine sands with gravel, on moderately exposed open coasts, communities dominated by cumacean crustaceans such as Iphinoe trispinosa and Diastylis bradyi along with the cirratulid polychaete Chaetozone setosa (agg.) may occur. Chaetozone setosa is a species complex so it is likely that some variability in nomenclature will be found in the literature. Other important taxa may include the polychaetes Anaitides spp., Lanice conchilega, Eteone longa and Scoloplos armiger. This community may be subject to periodical sedimentary disturbance, such that a sub-climactic community may develop with opportunistic taxa such as C. setosa and S. armiger often dominating the community (Allen 2000). Situation: This biotope may be found in areas with moderate currents and wave action often facing into the prevailing wind and along the Holderness coast of the North Sea. It is possible that this biotope has developed due to chronic sedimentary disturbance in areas where the units A5.261 or A5.242 would normally develop as these biotopes are often found in more sheltered areas adjacent to A5.136. Temporal variation: The importance of the cumacean crustaceans in this biotope is unusual, and their numbers are likely to fluctuate over time; at times of increased disturbance it is likely that C. setosa will become more dominant.